

作者:Lake Catholic

许多当地男孩是在当地的娱乐联盟打棒球长大的. 但所有的男孩都长大了,最终老了就不能再打篮球了.


最近四名莱克天主教大学毕业生对他们的棒球生涯的结束并不满意, 所以他们决定做点什么. Now, three years later, what they’ve started has become larger than they ever could have imagined.

7月27日星期六, 尼克Regano, 尼克Pellecchia, 安德鲁Zalar, 雅各Minich, 全部来自2023届毕业生, will host The Third Annual Regano Wiffle Ball Tournament at Mentor Ridge Elementary School. 

“我们都一起打过休闲棒球,我们不想让它结束,雷加诺说。, 肯特州立大学金融专业的学生. “所以,有一天我们让一群孩子在一起玩威浮球. 越来越多的孩子想玩,我们最终把它变成了一场锦标赛. 那是第一年. 我们真的不知道我们在做什么. 真是一团糟. 现在,我们要开始第三次比赛了.”

比赛可不是闹着玩的. 让一群孩子在空地上玩威浮球的日子已经一去不复返了. 这次比赛需要九个月的计划, 有五页的规则手册吗, 有一个小卖部, 吸引来观看的家人和朋友, 向优胜者和亚军颁发奖金, 现在, 最重要的是对经营公司的人来说, 慈善成分. 

第一年他们有19支队伍参加比赛. 去年增加到32个. 他们喜欢这个数字,所以今年的比赛仍然限制在32支球队. 有8个4支球队的赛区,每支球队保证打3场比赛. The top two teams in each division then advance to a single-elimination bracket to determine the champion. 
冠军队伍赢得1000美元. 亚军可以拿回奖金(每人要交15美元的报名费).

去年, 所有小卖部的收入都捐赠给了JBS Strong, 一个儿童癌症基金会,以纪念已故的杰克·索耶, 是门特高中的学生. 

“All the food and stuff are donated, so everything we make goes to the charity,” Regano said. “This year we reached out to Jack’s family to see if there was someone else, we could donate to. 今年我们所有的特许权收入都要给艾迪·斯特朗.” 


“我们真的在努力让慈善机构成为其中不可或缺的一部分,扎拉说, 他在俄亥俄州立大学主修金融. “我们希望今年能给他们1000多美元. 我们知道如果我们给它1美元,它就不好看了,给获胜的队伍000英镑, 但捐给慈善机构的钱不多. So we’re going to really push our concessions this year and try to raise as much money as we can.”

They already have a $500 commitment from the tournament sponsor, Regano Financial 服务s Inc.

到目前为止, 这项锦标赛只有男性选手参加, 但组织者表示,这只是一个巧合, 他们并不反对让女性竞争. 年龄从12、13岁到50、60岁不等. Although most of the teams are comprised of high school and college-aged kids from all over the area, 包括来自门托高中的球员, 科特兰, 和NDCL. Pellecchia, 代顿大学刑事司法专业的学生, 约有50-60%的球员要么是现任湖天主教学生,要么是校友.

穿上它, 这四个人全年至少每周谈论一次威浮球, 然后在6月和7月增加. 他们必须建造和修复他们的打击区. They also have to work with Ridge Elementary School to reserve the field for three days – one to set up, 一个来玩, 还有一个需要清理.


“这两年我们学到了很多,”Zalar说. “我们必须把我们的领域转向不同的方向. 我们在树林里丢了太多本垒打.”

“It’s to the point where I only ask for wiffle balls and other stuff for Christmas,” Regano said. “I’ll also go to Dick’s (Sporting Goods) in the winter to buy stuff because no one is playing wiffle ball then. 所以我知道他们会有很多存货.”

所有的栅栏都是橙色的雪栅栏. 每个人必须使用所提供的普通黄色球棒. 他们用大量的喷漆来画场地和小路. 他们使用真正的橡胶底座和投球橡胶.

比赛日, 游戏是自我判断的, 尽管他们确实在寻找志愿者来帮助季后赛, 尤其是在奖金岌岌可危的情况下.

“这很有趣, 竞争确实很激烈, 但无非是些废话,Pellecchia说. “We did think about last year being our last year doing it since we were all going off to college. 我们把它当作上大学前的最后一次狂欢, 但现在,它将成为我们许多人的团聚. 所以我很高兴我们决定继续下去.”


Anyone looking for more information check out the tournament Instagram page at @reganowiffleballclassic. If you’re interested in signing up for this year’s tournament, you can do so by filling out 这个Google表单.

标签: 校友


作者:Lake Catholic

一年级美术老师 卡凯恩 她的日常工作一直很忙. 但如果这还不够,她还有自己的摄影业务 卡罗莱纳·凯恩摄影.

快速浏览一下她的商业网站, 你会看到老年人和全家福, 婚礼, 美术, 编辑工作, 还有更多. 你很少看到的是pp电子平台.

这一切都在上个周末发生了变化,当时她为 克利夫兰杂志 并且射了2个以上,在火箭抵押球场NCAA女子分区1四强000张照片. 她的照片可以在网上找到 克利夫兰杂志 网站.

“气氛非常紧张,充满了焦虑,”卡罗莱纳说. “那里有很多人,也有很多媒体. 但那是一次很酷的经历.”

She was there for all three games – the national semifinals on Friday night and the championship game on Sunday – and moved all over the fieldhouse getting as many shots as possible. She said she was there at 5p on Friday (the first game started at 7p) and didn’t leave until about 1a on Saturday.

“这是漫长的一天,”她说. “我要拍摄两场比赛,然后在媒体室编辑直到周六凌晨. 但周六一整天都在编辑更多的内容.”

她和来自 克利夫兰杂志在他的新闻报道中打针. 他不仅在文章中使用了她的照片, but she would work between games and at halftimes to send images to her art director for more formal social media posts.

她在周六晚上康涅狄格对爱荷华的第二场半决赛中获得了全场传球, 两位体育界最大牌的明星领衔演出, 佩吉·比克斯和凯特琳·克拉克, 就在底线上.

“气氛很紧张,”她说. “当时我夹在ESPN的静态摄影师和美联社之间. 最重要的是,这是一场很棒的比赛.


在周五深夜和周六全天编辑之后, 周日是时候回去看爱荷华州和南卡罗来纳州之间的冠军赛了. 南卡罗莱纳以87比75赢得了全国冠军.

She moved around the fieldhouse until it was time for the Gamecocks' trophy presentation when she joined the rest of the media on the floor right in front of the quickly constructed stage.

“这是一次很棒的经历,”卡罗莱纳说. “我送(克利夫兰杂志634张编辑过的照片. 这是一个漫长的周末,但很值得.

“能够拍摄如此备受瞩目的女子比赛,我感到非常自豪. 有这么多人在那里支持女性参加pp电子平台,这令人难以置信. 房间里充满了电一般的能量,每一个篮筐都会引起人群的欢呼. I felt proud to be a woman photographer, supporting other great women, showcasing our great city.

“这让我在孩子们中间获得了一些‘街头信誉’. A lot of them have come in today already telling me how cool it was that I got to be there for it.”


标签: 教师


作者:Lake Catholic



pp电子 特蕾莎Lazanich, she’s turned her summer job from the past two years as a caddie at Canterbury Country Club into four years’ worth of full tuition and room and board.

特蕾莎在一月底获得了埃文斯奖学金, just this past week found out that she will use that scholarship at Ohio State University.

The Evans 奖学金 is a full tuition and housing college scholarship for high-achieving caddies. 根据奖学金网站, 要获得资格,球童必须满足有良好球童记录的要求, 优秀的学者, 证明有经济需要, 性格突出.

特蕾莎说:“当我发现我赢得了埃文斯奖学金时,我非常兴奋。. “And now that I know I’m going to my first-choice school (Ohio State), it’s even more exciting.

“我想成为一名医生助理,这意味着要接受额外的教育. 这是一个巨大的财政承诺. 作为六个孩子中最小的一个,这对我和我的父母来说是一个巨大的帮助.”

全国24所大学都有“埃文斯学者”. 他们的学生一起生活和工作在一个社区, 在学术成就和社区服务方面享有盛誉.

What’s different about Evans Scholars though is that they don’t have the final say on where they attend. 一旦她获得了奖学金, Theresa had to submit a list of her top three school choices – that she had applied for and had been accepted to. 她的前三名分别是俄亥俄州立大学、马凯特大学和迈阿密大学.

“I had the choice of Ohio schools or any private or possibly border state schools,”她说。. “但我很高兴我被拒绝了. 1选择.”

特蕾莎说,她从小就开始打高尔夫. As the youngest in her family, her parents would often take her to the course when they would play. 她就是在那里学会了这个游戏, 先击球, 她开始喜欢上了这项后来成为她生活中重要组成部分的运动.

她说:“我很小的时候就开始打球了,大概八九岁吧。. “I would play in leagues throughout the summers and have played all four years here at Lake Catholic.

“当我开始在这里打球的时候, 我遇到了一个博蒙特的女孩, 是谁说服我在坎特伯雷和她一起工作的.”

So, 过去的两个夏天, Theresa has been at the country club early in the morning and helped members and guests with their rounds of golf throughout. Eventually, it was there that the caddie master suggested she apply for the Evans 奖学金.

“那里还有很多成员是埃文斯学者, 所以我申请的时候得到了很多支持,”她说。.

与此同时,她继续着她成功的高中生涯. 她在pp电子队当了两年队长,同时担任球队的头号球员. 1球员. 她在大三和大四的两个赛季都被评为最佳阵容.

在她的大四赛季之后,她被提名为奖学金的决赛选手, 她开始准备在代顿地区的莫雷恩乡村俱乐部接受采访.

“The four green coats (chairpersons) were there, along with 60 other Evans Scholars,”她说。. “They all had read my essay and I had to just stand there for 20-25 minutes answering questions about it.”

And from there it was a waiting game – first to be named an Evans Scholar and then to find out she was heading to her first-choice school.



作者:Lake Catholic

Lake Catholic is pleased to announce the hiring of Diana Fogarty as the Director of Enrollment Management. 

“We are pleased to announce the hiring of Diana Fogarty as our Director of Enrollment Management,湖天主教会主席约翰·莫拉贝托说. "As we look to increase the number of students who receive an extraordinary Lake Catholic education, Diana provides the qualifications to execute the appropriate short- and long-term strategies."

福格蒂曾在圣. 在洛基河的约瑟夫学院工作了14年, 最近一次是自2019年起担任招生主任. 

在这个角色中, 她策划了包括开放参观在内的活动, 访问的日子, special events and testing; analyzed prospective student demographics and trends for increasing enrollment each year; processed student applications including transfer and international students; planned and executed summer camps; 还有更多.

在担任招生主任之前, Fogarty also served as Assistant Director of Admission (2014-2019) and 招生 Coordinator (2010-2014). 

标签: 政府, 突发新闻


发现你自己,你的信仰,你的未来,你的目标. 成为雷克天主教家庭的一员.